
The Pacific Minds was founded in 2017, with an aim to help everyone to get control of their life and do something to get a hold on the stability of their future. So, whether it's about your personal development and motivation, your personal finance, business, entrepreneurship or your day to day routine; we have got you covered!

Ahsan Arshad - The Pacific Minds - Author
I, Ahsan Arshad, am a Computer Science graduate from National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, who lives in Karachi, Pakistan and have some really big dreams to achieve. As I always think about my future and how I can improve myself and my daily routine to ensure the stability of my life, I started this blog to make it happen with a thought that this blog will not only support me financially but it will also act as a beacon to the readers and help them achieve their goals.

I would love to hear from you, whether its a suggestion, a complaint or just a small pep talk, feel free to reach me via Contact Page or Twitter.

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